Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Brain Dump #6594

I couldn't think of good title for tonight's update so why not go with my 6,594th brain dump post…after all that's what all my posts end up being :).  So here we go: prepare your self for an all over the place blog!

Erin and I went to Grandma & Pa's last week.  I honestly can't remember the last time just she and I went and stayed with them for a few days.  Growing up we spent most of our school breaks up there on the farm, but it's probably been years since just the two of us hung out with them.  It was SO nice.  I felt like I was reliving a part of my childhood and kept finding myself feeling immensely grateful for the opportunity to go see them.  I love my grandparents and am so very blessed to call them mine!

Pa had never heard of, let alone tasted, s'mores so we had to introduce him! I think you can tell he liked them :)

We helped supervised Grandma & Pa while they cut and canned tomatoes - over 12 quarts worth!

My Etsy shop has been open for two weeks now, and while I haven't gotten as many sales as I'd hoped, I'm really enjoying having the shop!  The creative juices are always flowing and I love trying to come up with new ideas to sell.  Stay tuned, you may see some new fall/halloween items going up in the next few weeks ;-).

For an update on my goals:

-I have officially read 3 (and 1/2)…yes T-H-R-E-E books this year!!!!  I know you book lovers out there are laughing at me, but this is HUGE!  I'm pretty sure I've never read this many books for fun, ever!  I really enjoyed the last one I read, called Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult, and am thinking about starting a second book of hers next.  I know, I know, four books is impressive ;-)!  Ha!  This does mean I've not only met, but exceeded my goal for the year in this category!!  I'm feeling pretty proud of myself!

-Pursuing my dream career path is still in the works too.  Driving to Grandma's last week, I realized how much I miss living in High Point.  Erin suggested looking for jobs up that way again, so I've been doing just that!  I found that it's hard to get a job when you don't live in the area, but I'm hoping and praying for the right position to open up!  I would so, SO, love to move back up there again!!  In the meantime, I am meeting with the Duke Temp agency to try and get some more part-time work and experience to build my resume (and wallet!).  Please keep my job search in your prayers. I know it can seem unimportant compared to other prayer requests, but it would mean so much to me!  I'm ready to get into a full-time career and begin this next phase of life, so please pray that God would open and close the right doors to get me there!

-All of my other goals are pretty much where they were when I last posted.  They may be progressing slowly, but progress is progress!

Well, that's about all for now :)

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